Looking back on our time in the Dominican Republic I find myself still smiling. It’s been a little over a week since we have returned. We have made new friends, witnessed the incredible gap between the “have’s” and “have not’s”, and in little ways brought some hope and some help to the people of Algodon.

Jesus words still echo in my heart… “Whatever you do for the least of these” Matthew 25:40

Our Trip was Based on 3 Beliefs…
  1.  God’s business is our business
  2.  We can’t do everything but we can do something
  3.  We want to build lasting bridges serving the community of Algodon

Our team of 20 was amazing. Each day they rolled up their sleeves asking, “How can I help?” Each day they connected with community leaders and families and children. Each day they came home tired and dirty and smiling. Each day their hearts grew and grew as they served in the name of Jesus.

The Children of the Nations DR team was wonderful as they helped us navigate, translate, transport and understand all that we were seeing and doing. The Algodon community opened their arms and hearts to us as we spent every day in their community… hoping for a smile, a connection that let us know we were welcomed.

And the kids… Wow. When you meet “your kid” for the first time it’s awesome. To visit in their homes and meet their families was powerful. They have so little… dirt floors that they sleep on, minimal food and water. Health and sanitation needs were a constant. So much of what we saw seems to be straight up a very big hill. But there is hope…

Finding Hope…
  1.      Jesus Pastor Jack and his people stand in a very big gap. They bring Jesus to Algodon each day. This is tough spiritual territory. Many come from Haiti bringing with them a mix of Haitian Vodou and varying forms of Christianity. We saw the potential for greater impact in Algodon with a little help and a little more horsepower. We are grateful for this little church with so little resources faithfully serving Algodon. Hope...

2.      COTN Children of the Nations began its work in the DR in Algodon. They have helped establish an excellent school (K-8) serving Algodon and the surrounding area. They create bridges to sponsor children in areas that you and I could not. They supply daily meals for children and their families. They also provide transportation to high school and tuition for college (this is a really big deal). Health Care is another important piece provided by COTN. And the projects… COTN identifies the needs in Algodon that teams like ours can accomplish to impact the community immediately. Hope...

3.      Something We know we can’t do everything but we can do something. 
             I am only one, but still I am one.
             I cannot do everything, But still I can do something;
             And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.

             Edward Everett Hale 1902

We did not go believing we are the answer that would be foolish and naïve. We went to simply do the something God has asked us to do… using our skill sets, compassion, resources and time to humbly serve in Jesus name. 

1.  We built a bridge & drainage channel so kids & staff no longer need to walk through the mud to get to school and church.
2.  We placed ProVector Flowers around the community to help alleviate diseases carried by mosquitoes.3.   We provided health care working with the COTN medical staff… a real eye-opener.
4.   We handed out 25 baseball gloves (thank you SD Padres) and played baseball (they love baseball) on a dirt field complete with grazing goats that maintain the outfield grass.
5.   We led VBS with kids from the community.
6.   We built and painted a new gate for the school.
7.   We ran into sugarcane fields (with help from the kids) to pull, peel & chew the sweet inside that provides work for many.
8.   We took our sponsored kids for an afternoon of fun to a beautiful area where waterfalls and pools created a tropical oasis… very different from the mud and dirt of Algodon.
9.   We hosted a dinner with Algodon leaders to hear their hearts and to understand their needs.
10. We prayed, journaled, worshipped and read asking God… “How can we help and not hurt these dear people?”

By the time we left hearts have been connected, children are no longer just pictures on the refrigerator, projects have been completed, tears shed… I believe God is smiling. Now we will unpack both our luggage and our hearts as we develop next steps and return trips.

Thank you to all of you who… helped, supported, followed, sponsored, prayed for this trip. And to those who served by getting on an airplane travelling to a place you had never been to serve and love people you had never met... You guys rock.

This is what I know… God has Algodon right where He wants it. 

      Algodon is in plain sight for churches like ours to see and to serve… In Jesus Name.

                 COTN Link      Gathering Link

To Be Continued…Deron

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