What a day! Last night was our first official night in the misson house. We all appreciated a full flow shower and air conditioning to sleep in.

This morning we loaded up the bus and headed for Algodon. Our first stop was to the COTN facility. We had a brief meet and greet of each of the staff members, and then we all introduced ourselves. In spanish even! From there we toured the rest of the facility which included a clinic and surgical room. Then, we proceeded further into the Batey where we were greeted by many little ones. We took a walking tour of our adopted village, and a few of us got to meet our sponsored children. Everyone in the Batey were super photogenic. They constantly asked for "photo, photo!" Many individuals recognized us from church the morning before!

During the villages siesta time, we headed back to the mission house for lunch and a rest time before heading back out. Jessi and Deron lead a few of us in a core work out. Most everyone else hung out and enjoyed the pool.

Later that afternoon we visited Los Robles which is a different Batay close to Algodon. The children there were incredible friendly to us. The flooded us as we got our of the bus. Each of them wanted us to either hold their hands or pick them up and carry them. It is quite evident this is a relation-based community. All 20 of us had children at each side of us the entire time we walked around the community of Los Robles. Friom there we ventured back to the Algodon Batay and began our ditch digging project. We had many hands! However, not enough tools. So, half the team dug the ditch and everyone went and played with the children. Barb was very creative. She made ribbon battons with some sticks and old video tape of the kids had given her.

That evening we made our way back to the mission house were we enjoyed dinner together. We had a small devotion time, just like the night before. We had some worship songs and prayer time. A perfect way to end the evening. As the blog is updating now, we can hear a hard core game of Nertz going on in the Higgins room. 

Thank you to all of you who have been praying for Alexis. She is doing so much better today. She is easily keeping down fluids and solids. She was even able to swim in the pool and attend our afternoon activities. 

We apologize for the limited pictures available. The internet connection here is very slow to upload anything let alone enormous file sizes. However, we are extremely greatful for being able to use their computers!

7/22/2013 01:15:01 pm

for AVP

The Vossbrinks hope you feel better!

The Mathiases
7/22/2013 03:42:34 pm

So glad Lex is feeling better!!! Love and continued prayers for all from Seattle.


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